Sr Thérèse Raad

Since some months ago, time has stopped, the rhythm of our life has been modified, many things have changed : the prayers, the masses, the encounters, life in the schools, in the hospitals and everywhere … A question inhabits us : « What about tomorrow ? How will it be ? And we…tomorrow ? » Everyday, the same question, as we await words of hope, of relief and of joy.

These months put us right in front of our weakness, our limits and the finitude of our existence. We have witnessed death which roamed around our cities, our communities, our families… Silence fell… and now we recall all these persons who have lost their life : our sisters, our relatives, our neighbours… Their demise has a meaning which bears buds of a new life…
Yes, let’s pray for them, for everybody and for us…
Let’s listen to these Lord’s words which fill with hope and which brings forth life in each one of us. Because God does not permit death to conquer life…His life abides in us… He gives us his Spirit…

Ezekiel 37: 11 – 14

« Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone, we are cut off.
…  This is what the Lord says  :
My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them ;
I will bring you back [to life].
You will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves
and bring you up from them, my people.
I will put my SPIRIT in you and you will live […] And you will know that I, the Lord have spoken,
And I have done it, declares the Lord ».

In this darkness, some lights emerge from afar : we have lived the event of Pentecost after the Resurrection, because the Spirit of the Lord is there, in the core of the trial, in the heart of our expectations. He tells us that we are all bound to one another, and that this spirit of belonging to one and same humanity, has manifested itself several times with an awesome vitality, even though not everything was perfect. It’s the spirit of diversity and creativity who led many people to offer their presence to the others, to share their gifts gratuitously for the service of the others!

He has put his Spirit in us…and we will live…they will live…