An initiative … with you
In Lebanon, not far from the Syrian frontier, Kefraya… a locality in the plains of Bekaa is known especially for its vineyards and the quality of its wine.
Kefraya, is also a place where the sisters of charity of Saint Jeanne-Antide THOURET are present since 1979 – during the war in Lebanon – thanks to the Order of Malta who never stopped encouraging the works in healthcare domain.
The sisters opened a free clinic, a social centre which has developed and modernized down the years with a very competent personnel, for the services regarding medicines, dentistry and others. The recent reorganization has the possibility to offer all the health services to all the population scattered over a vast territory. And still more recently, a welcoming centre has been organised for the elderly of all districts who arrive in the centre to spend the whole day, thanks to the buses provided for their transport. A sister assures also pastoral service with prayer meetings in the families, catechesis and visits in numerous villages.
Since war broke in Syria, numerous refugees’ camps have been set up all around Kefraya … They are about fifty. The sisters visit them; the families are also welcomed in the health centre and are nursed gratuitously…From the centre, the doctors and nurses go to the camps to look after the persons and to give them medicines … All the fertile plain of Bekaa needs also the Syrians’ help to work in the fields at least temporarily under the guidance of the Lebanese…
Last year, in summer, a beautiful initiative has been launched: a small summer camp for 25 Syrian children
steered by Sr. Josephine with the support of the sisters of her community, Sr. Maria Josepha and Sr. Helen. This gathering has mobilized the Centre’s employers who willingly participated in the animation… The doctor in charge of the clinic sponsored one or two outings. Some Lebanese children from the village joined the group and were thrilled to participate in the activities. A week … that has filled with joy the children refugees who showed interest in the games and various activities. All this enabled them sometimes to smile again since they had been witnesses of violence and death in their families under the bombardments… A beautiful initiative that has enhanced living together and openness to the other without any fear.
Yes, we must repeat the experience during the summer 2018…
with a bigger number of children …

but we need some financial means … equivalent to 1500 dollars ….

which will be spent to buy food and material for the games during the activities.

If you desire to contribute and to participate in this project, you can send your contribution to Thouret Foundation or entrust your offer to a person who can send it to the Foundation.
The children need us.

Heartfelt thanks!
Address your transfer to :
Fondazione Thouret Onlus, Via della Greca, 11,  00186 – ROMA- ITALIA
IMPORTANT: don’t forget to indicate your name, surname and specify : « Gift for the initiative of the Lebanese children refugees »
Banca Popolare di Sondrio Agenzia 33 Roma
IBAN: IT 45 J 05696 03233 000002190X26
Banca UniCredit
IBAN: IT 98 P 02008 03298 000 104129666
Current postal account
C/C POSTALE n. 1013190846
IBAN: IT 06 S 07601 03200 001013190846
Addressed to :
Fondazione Thouret Onlus, Via della Greca, 11
00186 – ROMA