From Yaoundé, Sister Bernadette shares her experience of animating the faith in the parish.
“From the beginning, St Jeanne Antida devoted herself to training her first companions so that they would be able to teach children in schools and, at the same time, awaken their knowledge of evangelical values.
The Sisters of Charity work particularly in the socio-medical sector in the service of the poor, but also in the pastoral sector. Some sisters have full-time pastoral commitments. Times and circumstances have certainly changed, but the pastoral dynamic remains the same.

The parish is a place of life, where everyone can come together, whatever their age, in catechism teaching, in church movements, involving children, young people, adults, families.
My experience as a catechist in the parish of St Charles Lwanga in Yaoundé
When I arrived at the sisters’ community in the N’Kolbisson neighbourhood of Yaoundé, I wanted to be part of St Charles Lwanga parish, which is close to our community.
The parish is run by a religious from the congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, also called Claretians, founded by Father Antoine-Marie Claret, a Spanish missionary and teacher of pontifical law.
I met the parish priest, Fr Conrad, who welcomed me fraternally and asked me to get in touch with the catechism leader.
Now I teach catechism in the second year (youth, adults) with a catechist whom the young people fraternally call Papa Franklin. The catechesis programme:
- the Church, liturgical times,
- getting to know Jesus in the Gospels, with continuous reading of St Mark and St Matthew,
- the sacraments.
There are five masses celebrated on Sundays, which is also the day on which catechesis is taught. The children participate willingly and the celebrations are beautiful, joyful and well-timed.

My experience as catechist with the young people
There are twelve young people between the ages of 14 and 17. They ask a lot of questions about understanding and faith and are very participative. This challenges me in my way of believing. Faith is not simply believing once and for all, but being ‘seekers of God’ in the darkness and light of life’s ups and downs. The fragility of our existence in the face of uncertainty, but also the inner strength that enables us to overcome trials and move forward.
I feel at ease with the catechists, people are motivated to serve young people. There is respect for different cultures and ethnicities, so that everyone can deepen and live their Christian faith in their own vernacular and mother tongue.
The evangelisation of peoples is a great task! This is the mission that Jesus entrusts to us today:
He said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature; whoever believes and is baptised will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned”… (Mark 16:15-16).

In the Jubilee Year 2025
In this Jubilee Year, the Lord goes before us with the Hope of a better world for all.
Pilgrims of Hope: “Mission is a tireless outgoing, the mission of the Church is addressed to all peoples and requires the participation of every baptised Christian” (World Mission Day 2024 – Pope Francis).
Sister Bernadette D.