From Koumra, we receive news of the meetings in the parish of St Thérèse, where Paul is currently in Chad for four months.
Christmas carols are a much-loved part of the Christmas season in all parts of the world. And so also in this great African country. Christmas carols help to celebrate the awe of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, amplifying the deep atmosphere of recollection and gratitude.
Below you can find the the video of the singing rehearsals:

Da Sarh, sister Florence, thanks all the donors of Sister Michela Larini’s Children for “the big truck, loaded with so many good and beautiful things: 20 sacks of beans, 20 sacks of rice and 30 sacks of millet. They will be our provisions for a year! And then lots of new clothes for all the children in Balimba, where we celebrate Holy Christmas with few things, but with much joy.
Greetings and heartfelt thanks from all of us especially from our 25 boys”.