An intensive month of formation, fraternity, visiting the places of foundation, sharing experiences, rereading the lived experience: the group of young sisters, originally from different parts of the world, who are preparing for their Perpetual Profession – they are accompanied by sister Solange, general councilor; sister Linda, councilor of the province of the Orient; and other formators from different territorial realities. To all of them our heartfelt thanks.

After meeting at the General House, the group made stops in Naples, Borgaro Torinese, and finally their longest stay in Sancey has just begun.
Naples, Regina Coeli, is the house where the Foundress spent the years dedicated to the founding of the institute in the Kingdom of Naples, to the Pontifical approval of the Constitutions and Rules, and to the expansion of the communities in the Regii Stati Sabaudi: Savoy and Piedmont; it is the house that holds her mortal remains.
Borgaro Torinese, where Blessed Nemesia Valle had found the group of novices of the new province of the Sisters of Charity. In time, Sister Nemesia would form more than five hundred.
Sancey-le-Long, where Jeanne Antide was born and where she matured her vocation in the service of the poor.
To each of the young sisters, to their formators, to the group as a whole, we wish to breathe in the spirit of the origins and its maturation through the historical events, even the most dramatic, in which society, the people of God, including religious life, are involved.