From January 24-26, 2025, Rome welcomes the first major jubilee event following the opening of the Holy Doors: the Jubilee of the World of Communications.
Journalists, video producers, editors, graphic designers and social media managers, scriptwriters, directors, from different countries have gathered to renew their faith and experience the graces of the Jubilee of Hope.
To all of them Pope Francis addressed a special Message. [you can read it by clicking here].

It begins tonight, Jan. 24, 2025, memorial of St. Francis de Sales, patron of social communications, at 5:30 p.m. with a welcoming celebration and penitential liturgy.
Tomorrow, Jan. 25, participants will make a pilgrimage to the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, opened by Pope Francis on Christmas Eve. To date, more than half a million faithful have already passed through this door, a symbol of conversion and reconciliation.
After the celebration of Mass in the Basilica of St. John Lateran in honor of St. Francis de Sales, participants will move to the Vatican for a meeting with Filipino journalist Maria Ressa and Irish writer Colum McCann. This will be followed at 12:30 p.m. by an exclusive meeting with Pope Francis in the Paul VI Hall.
On Saturday afternoon, the Dicastery for Communication will offer a cultural and spiritual encounter in the Paul VI Hall, followed by a live broadcast of Vespers of the Conversion of St. Paul, presided over by the Holy Father in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, at the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Closing the day was the screening of the documentary Green Lava: the story of Giacomo Mattivi, a 21-year-old from Baselga di Pinè, in the province of Trento, forced by Duchenne muscular dystrophy to live in a wheelchair on a respirator.
He is the protagonist of a film/documentary by director Lia Beltrami: Giacomo tries to explain how, despite the disease and the loss of his brother Mattia, he managed to turn his difficulties into artistic inspiration, becoming the protagonist of a documentary.

James’ story is a message of hope and inclusion for all: “I love life, even though sometimes it is very harsh and leaves you no escape, however, I love it for its unpredictability.”
Message for the 59th World Day of Social Communications
The Holy Father addressed, today, a message to all journalists:
“Christian communication-but I would also say communication in general-should be interwoven with meekness, with closeness: the style of companions on the road, following the greatest Communicator of all time, Jesus of Nazareth, who along the road dialogued with the two disciples of Emmaus, making their hearts burn because of how he interpreted events in the light of Scripture.”

Pope Francis says this in his Message for the 59th World Day of Social Communications:
“I dream for this a communication that knows how to make us companions of so many of our brothers and sisters, to rekindle hope in them in such troubled times. A communication that is capable of speaking to the heart, of arousing not passionate reactions of closure and anger, but attitudes of openness and friendship; capable of focusing on beauty and hope even in the most seemingly desperate situations; of generating commitment, empathy, interest in others.”

Edited by the Communications Office of the Sisters of Charity
participating in the Jubilee of Communication