In Bangalore, every day about 400 students and their dedicated educational staff cross the threshold of Nemesia Academy, a school reality that has borne the name of Blessed Nemesia Valle since 2015, being inspired by her unreserved helpfulness, her way of cultivating friendship, her great educational values, and her serious and challenging educational method, proposed with the nuances of goodness.

Nemesia Academy is run by our Congregation ,situated in Harohalli village Bengaluru, India. It has stated with the innovative vision of our foundress, and it carries the name of Blessed Nemesia Valle.
Nemesia Academy was established in the year of 2015 by sister Maria Rita Bossetti, who was a great visionary and missionary.
Initially it was started as daycare and evening study for the vulnerable children. Gradually it has turned into Academy and the new school was blessed on 21st January 2021, by His Excellency Rev.Dr.Peter Machado, The Archbisop of Bengaluru.
Five of our sisters along with a lay Co-coordinator doing this Education ministry with the motto of “To Educate with Love” for the upliftment of both, for the school and the children.
The school is modernized with smart board classrooms, science laboratory, Computer lab and Library fit for 21st centuary Education..It has tried and engage the thinking capacity of each individual child, through creative learning. We also set standards and goal in the area Academics, Sports, discipline and leadership and Strive to achieve them to respond to the challenges created by a rapid changing world full of many contridictions.
To sow the seeds of love.
- To assist them to explore and to excel their potentials.
- To Instill in them the value and quality of life
- Towards the Holistic development.
- A heart for all : transforming the life with love.

“To import a high quality, academically sound education in all our students by developing their spiritual, Moral, Physical, Emotional, Social and Cultural aspects.”
We are fortunate to have around 400 children and a cadre of 23 teaching staff, who are well trained, experienced, Dedicated and capable of fulfilling the demands of the growing modern generation of students and all the teachers are getting ongoing formation from various field. It was noted with gratitude the formation has got by Mr.Celemant And Mrs.Pauline from France (working in the institution of Sainte Marthe Saint Front ,France) in the area of human, and intellectual point of view. we also have 15 supportive staff who stands hand by hand with our management.
“It’s not about being the best,
It’s about being better than you were yesterday”

With the intension of developing the talents of the students we offer a wide Spectrum of Co- curricular activities to explore beyond Classroom and textbook to cultivate their hobbies and provide overall growth.
Classical dance, Drawing with painting, Classical Music, Skating, yoga, Wushu , were introduced and found an outstanding performance from our students through various events.
Spritual Expsure Meditation & Councelling
“Emotional wellbeing is just as important to us as breathing is”
We believe that faith and reliance on God is the foremost thing of success.
Daily holy Scriputure reading, prayers are a part of our daily life at school.

Holy mass is celebrated every first Tuesday of every month for catholic children and moral value class for non-catholic students.we are in connected with TREDA for regular counselling programme for both students and Parents.
Blessed Nemesia has presented herself with open heart and open arms for all..her charity has no limits.
She inspired and kept her teaching style in our academy.
We also have adopted poor girl children and taking care of their education: as the saying of our Blessed “Love gratuitously offered is the only thing that remains”.
Our institution also will continue to welcome the students and share the fragrance of love in all their services.