Puerto Triunfo community’s Laudato Si’ project with after-school children

What better way to read an Encyclical than through the eyes of children!
For this reason, the Sisters of Charity of Puerto Triunfo (Paraguay) carried out a very interesting and ambitious project: working with children on a concrete reading of Laudato Si’, having them draw and write what the meaning of life is for them and what it means to care for nature!

The results led to the production of a book with the theme: Let us Care for our Common Home; and the title chosen for this beautiful artistic creation was “Pencils and Brushes”.

The expressions running through the book are: Let’s not litter, Let’s take care of ourselves, Let’s not throw away plastic and paper, Let’s take care of our Common Home and Let’s see how beautiful nature is.

The book was printed and distributed to each family of the Porto Triunfo after-school children!

It proved to be a great success enhanced by the beautiful illustrations and meaningful sentences that showed the children’s sensitivity and commitment to a better world.

This work could not have been realised without the help of the Centre’s young animators, who were enthusiastic about the children’s energy and their desire for change and commitment!

From the Community of Porto Triunfo – Sr Celestina