The photo contest in celebration of Season of Creation opens on Sept. 6, 2024.
There are so many “good, small, simple, loving” things happening in our communities, services, realities, activities that we challenge you
to capture in a PHOTO,
a powerful communicative tool.

The photos will also be the subject of a photo contest, whose theme will accurately retrace that of Creation Time 2024: “To hope and act with Creation”.
With all the photos collected, we will go on to form an album within the cCongregation’s official website: a garden to praise the Father.
The contest is open to all people and communities who wish to contribute to the visual narrative of the actions of Hope and Care for Creation.
In particular, the following are invited to participate:
- the communities of the Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne Antide present throughout the world;
- the schools, university boarding schools, and educational works run by the Sisters of Charity;
- the entities related to youth ministry, general pastoral activities, and the Congregation’s missions;
- AJA Friends groups and lay supporters;
- people interested in integral ecology issues and anyone who wants to help promote respect and care for the Common Home.
Contest opening: Friday, September 6, 12 noon (Rome)
Photo submission deadline: Sunday, Sept. 29, 12 noon (Rome)
Disclosure of the names of the 4 contest winners: Oct. 4

In the coming days, all the necessary information for participation and the Rules of the Photo Contest will be uploaded within the official website of the Congregation.
Today, September 1, begins the Season of Creation 2024, which will last until October 4.
As a charismatic family, sisters and laity, we are called to join the 2.2 billion Christians around the world who are invited to pray around a single purpose: to care for the Common Home.
This year’s Creation Time theme is “To hope and act with Creation”, and its symbol is “The Firstfruits of Hope”, inspired by Romans 8:19-25.