The time of research
The signs of listening and interpreting

You are perhaps twenty or twenty five years old, perhaps more; you are a student, you already have a job and have been working for some years; do you ask yourself about your future? Do you like to dedicate your time to God? But how can you serve? To what and to whom would you like to dedicate yourself? You don’t know precisely. And the questions is worrying you: How can I know what God wants from me?
The Christian vocation is a call to follow Jesus Christ. And all the Christians are invited to traverse this joyful journey, in the footsteps of the One who has opened the path to each one of us to become his disciples!
However, each one of us is called to answer in his/her own way! The Gospel is lived in many ways according to the situations and the persons: in the Gospel we have witnesses who narrate to us about their answer to follow Christ in their daily life, in the particular situations… Mary and Joseph, Peter and Paul, Mary Magdalene, the Samaritan woman and Zaccheus…
Therefore how can I know what God wants from me?
In everyday life: the evangelical narrations show us Jesus with the children, the sinners, the masters and they invite in a direct and special manner to follow Jesus: “Come and follow me”, “if you want”….. But this call, respects everybody’s freedom to respond and to give oneself fully.
Through the witnesses: God’s call passes through persons, parishes, communities, religious orders, namely through the visible and tangible presence of the Church.Why Religious life?
Because it’s an answer to a great desire: leaving everything to follow Jesus… isn’t a “sacrifice” but a call to be more what we are in a deeper manner: loved by God. The radical choice to leave everything and follow him, while living in poverty, chastity and obedience becomes the proclamation of this love.