21st July 2015

Thanksgiving prayer

Let’s welcome as the gift of the Spirit, the new Superior general, the Sister servant of the Global Community.

The Word of God                                                                                                (1 Kings. 3,9-12)

“So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours? The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be…”

It is in you alone, my God and my Lord,

that I place all my trust and perfect hope;

whoever hopes in you will not be putt o confusion.

Your are the strong God, and it is on you alone that I rely.

(St. J Antide’s Prayer 1821)

Tu fidelidad es grande, tu fidelidad incomparables es, nadie como Tu Bendito Dios, grande es tu fidelidad.

1.    Merci, Seigneur, pour notre Mère Générale que ce 20ème Chapitre Générale a choisi pour guider notre Congrégation. Merci de la bénir et de la combler de ta grâce pour accomplir, dans la confiance, la mission que tu lui confies, dans ta miséricorde pour nous.

2.  Te damos gracias, Padre, por nuestra comunidad Mondial, signo para hoy que la fraternidad es posible en la trans-culturalidad, el respecto de las diferencias, la comunión en el amor.

3.  Grazie Signore, per la fiducia che riponi nella nostra famiglia religiosa. Tu che accompagni ogni nostro passo con la forza del tuo Spirito, infondi una nuova audacia nelle scelte di vita per il futuro.

4.  Thank you Lord for giving us St. Jeanne Antide and all the sisters who have preceded us on our journey and are our models today. May we follow their steps in our serving the poor, the excluded and the least in our society.


Infondi in noi, Signore, la fiamma di carità che accendesti nel cuore di S. Giovanna Antida, perché la nostra umile opera contribuisca a tenere acceso il fuoco che il tuo Figlio portò nel mondo. Egli è Dio e vive e regna con te nell’unità dello Spirito Santo per tutti i secoli dei secoli.