Coordinated by sister Marlyse, the Laudato Si’ team of Rubik has been carrying out actions to care for the Common House for some time, such as cleaning the bridges and the cemetery.

Their action has attracted attention and they were invited to participate in a diocesan meeting in Rreshen, about 20 minutes from Rubik, on February 10th to create a group of volunteers with the vision of Integral Ecology. Also present were the director of Caritas and his staff, two people from the municipality, two teachers, the director of the vocational school, and a lay person representing the parish.

And this new team has already taken its first step by inviting the young people of Rubik and Rreshen to a meeting on 28 February, where the director of Caritas and his collaborators, three sisters, a priest and the young people were present, to whom they proposed as a challenge: do you know what volunteering is? Do you think you can create a group? They were given a form to leave their details if they were interested.

Working with others, raising awareness among the new generations, promoting paths, are seeds of hope that a better world is possible.