Prayer of the month of March 2019
Baptized and sent: the poor are the privileged beneficiaries of the Gospel

We are together here, Sisters of Charity, of the whole world and friends of Jeanne Antide to continue our meditation prayer inspired by the Apos-tolic Exhortation of Pope Francis: the Joy of the Gospel. Today at the beginning of Lent, we make ours the Pope’s words:

The Church is the Father’s house where there is a place for everyone with one’s own diffi cult life…If the whole Church assumes this missionary dynamism, she must reach everyone, without exception. But who should be privileged? When someone reads the Gospel, one fi nds a very clear orientation: not so much friends and rich neighbours, but above all the poor and the sick, those who are often rejected and
forgotten “ those who cannot pay you back, (Lk. 14,14).
Today and always, “the poor are the privileged receivers of the Gospel” and evangelization gratuitously addressed to them, is the sign of the Kingdom that Jesus came to bring us. It is necessary to confirm without deviations that there exists an inseparable link between our faith and the poor. We must never leave them alone”. (Evangelii Gaudium n°46)

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