In Koumra, southern Chad, the Sisters of Charity are consolers of prisoners.
“Their presence in this prison brings consolation and support to these people, who are constantly at risk of depressive forms. They encourage the prisoners, give them hope, inviting them not to think that God has abandoned them in their situation as prisoners.
There is no formal prison chaplaincy built by the Diocese of Sarh. It is the Sisters of Charity who carry out this apostolate with prisoners.”
Father Doulta of the Diocese of Sarh
The reality of Koumra Prison from the testimony of Sister Thérèse
“The first time I went to visit these brothers, it was very painful for me to see them. There are 254 detainees. Among them are five minors and 12 women. Their average age is 32.
They suffer from malnutrition, anemia, scabies and many other infections.
With the support of the India Group – a social activity committee very active in the missions – we buy medicines, personal and environmental hygiene materials.
Above all, we have been able to start a small vegetable garden. But we ask ourselves a question: what to do with this youth in order to reclaim them? A technical school or agriculture and animal husbandry like the agricultural school in Maimba, Goundi?
Something that could accommodate different categories of people and so reduce the mass entry of youth into prison.”
Right now Sister Thérèse is also engaged in a very important advocacy: the underage boys pictured were arrested on their way to school and mistaken for protesters during the last uprising in Koumra. They are awaiting trial without guilt.
Sister Thérèse approached the human rights association to ask for their release.

Mass on the occasion of the 132nd anniversary of the birth of Blessed Enrichetta Alfieri will be celebrated on Feb. 23, 2023 at 4 p.m., presided over by Fr. Marco Borghi, pastor of St. Mary of the Rosary in Milan, in the chapel of St. Joseph Little House in Milan.