A mosaic of colors invades the nave of the church, intended to welcome the divine footsteps of the Corpus Christi procession, which celebrates the presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

The “infiorata” (made with flowers) for Corpus Christi is a tradition found in many parts of Italy: sumptuous, colorful and fragrant carpets of petals, leaves, pebbles, seeds , become delicate and colorful mosaics for a few hours, invading squares, streets, stairways, basilica aisles and tiny chapels.

The Friends of Joan Antida of Arpino have involved their children and grandchildren to set up the infiorata for the feast of Corpus Christi 2023.

To apply oneself to the creation of an infiorata, for children and adults alike, is to get in deep contact with nature and celebrate its Creator.