Prague, Feb. 5-12, 2023, attended by about 200 delegates from 39 bishops’ conferences representing 45 countries in Europe.

Many topics were discussed, with great participation in the working groups and in the assembly: from the participation of women in the life of the Church, to the cooperation of the laity, the exercise of authority, unity in diversity, as well as the plagues of abuse and greater inclusiveness in the Church.

Sister Natalie, Malta, participated. Here is her testimony of those days:

“Together, with over 200 people, I had a rich experience of Church during the Continental stage of the Synod in Prague.

There was a great love for the Church and a desire on everyone’s part to participate with commitment in the mission of the Church, living fully their baptism.

We shared the synod journey, our hopes, challenges and reflected on concrete proposals how the Church can be a people walking and evangelizing together.”