“Come here and rest a little”. And so, after a month full of initiatives, of proposals, of invitations, we met, on Sunday 2 June 2024, for the harvest of fruits. Or rather, for the sharing of the amazement of recognising our empty hands, filled by the generosity of the Lord.

The first fruit gathered, after the launch of the vocations month, was certainly the movement of hearts. So many initiatives, small and large, with young people or simply among ourselves, lay people and sisters, have been a sign that young people HEAR us. That their search for meaning, for direction, their thirst for Life, for Truth, are also ours. That we are on the road together.

On Sunday, time flew by: in four meetings organised by language and time zone, we met from all over the world, virtually in presence, but concretely in the desire to accompany and support the journey of our young people.

So many were the resonances, the sharing, the thanksgiving for how the Lord was able to amaze us. So many faces met, emotions experienced, initiatives proposed… all occasions to rediscover the Joy and the Strength of the Announcement.

So TILL NEXT YEAR! Certain that the Lord is waiting for our few loaves and fishes, to amaze us again with His overflowing generosity.

Review the photo galleries

Vocational Month 2024 – The involvement of communities (1)

Vocational Month 2024 – The involvement of communities (2)