Today, feast of Saint Vincent de Paul, “our father and founder” (St JA), the day was animated by Sr Nicla Spezzati, Moderator of our General Chapter.

Starting from the paradigm proposed by the prophet Jeremiah “Thus says the Lord: Stand along the way and look, ask for the ancient paths. Which was the good way? Follow it and you will find peace for yourselves.” (Jer 6:16) Sister Nicla helped us to think of ourselves as

Sisters of Charity,

gathered in a synod at the heart of the Church,

called to scrutinize horizons,

to discern under the action of the Holy Spirit

to reflect and choose together, with an enlightened and purified gaze,

which is the fruit of the hope of grace

born in the darkness of our time,

to be at the height of Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Jeanne Antide who knew how to listen to the needs of their time and let themselves be disturbed by the Gospel, thus giving a new response

At the end of this day of reflection, let us thank the Lord who invites us to live this experience of fraternity, humanity, faith, charism, interculturality, inter-congregational and Church, following Christ.

It is for us, as Sisters of Charity, a call to recognize what blocks our way, to be free to celebrate this encounter, to discern and make shared decisions, and to be increasingly a world community capable of listening, of going out, of hoping, to love and to serve.